Discussion: Therapeutic Mismatch Describe a situation in which a culture match between a therapist and a client would not be the best option. Be sure to provide examples from Chapter 9.
Reminder: You should be integrating information from the text (and other module resources, if chosen) and documenting your work in APA style.
To complete this assignment
Required Resources
Cross-Cultural Psychology: Critical Thinking and Contemporary Applications,
Chapter 9
This chapter examines the universalist and relativist perspectives on psychological
disorders and culture.
Reading:Reading:Reading:Reading: Disparities in Mental Health Care Utilization and Perceived Need Among Asian
Americans 2012–2016 (https://ps-psychiatryonline-
This Shapiro Library article explores the disparities in mental health treatment access
between Asian and White Americans and highlights the needs and barriers to treatment.
Reading:Reading:Reading:Reading: Cultural Concepts of Distress and Psychiatric Disorders: Understanding
Symptom Experience and Expression in Context (https://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?
This Shapiro Library article explains the term
cultural concepts of distress and its potential
research and clinical application
Video:Video:Video:Video: Challenges and Rewards of a Culturally-Informed Approach to Mental
Health|Jessica Dere|TEDxUTSC (https://youtu.be/VrYmQDiunSc) (17:57)
This video examines how culture matters when thinking about mental health and mental
illness. It is an older video, but the shorter length and the speaker’s credentials make it a
valuable resource.
A captioned version of this video is available: Challenges and Rewards of a Culturally-
Informed Approach to Mental Health Issues|Jessica Dere| TEDxUTSC CC