Paper Details
Assignment Arizona Department of Corrections NEW
In this project you will be researching your state’s correctional system — covering
both community-based and institutional settings. Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation using a minimum of three references and APA style.
Locate the website for your state’s correctional department by conducting a search: “Your State Department of Corrections.” If you are unable to find the required information on your own state’s website, please use one of following comprehensive state websites to complete this Assignment:
Source: Virginia Department of Corrections. Retrieved from North Carolina
Source: Division of Adult Correction. Retrieved from
Your Assignment must address the following:
Part A: Community-based corrections
What are three goals of community-based corrections?
Identify and describe at least three types of community-based corrections available in your
state, such as probation, intermediate sanctions, parole, and reentry programs.
Are community based corrections effective? What impact do community based corrections have
on culture and the culture of criminals? Consider the historical impact of community based corrections and discuss any research findings available on your state website (Note: look for headings titled Research and/or Publications) or from other outside sources to assess the effectiveness of these programs. Be sure to cite specific research.
Part B: Correctional Institutions
Describe three types of correctional institutions available for adults in your state. Be sure to identify institutions, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and private prisons based on the following designations: security level; men’s and women’s facilities; and public and private institutions.
In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, you should format your presentation consistent with the following guidelines:
Visit the writing center for excellent resources when creating PowerPoint presentations. Submit your writing Assignment to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 5.
Check the slide length requirement excluding your introduction and reference slides.
Use one basic slide design and layout.
Limit slides to between 5 and 7 lines of content.
Use bullets for your main points.
Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience.