Skim the example peer-reviewed research article, making note of the content and language used, and how it compares to the editorial, blog, and website provided on a similar topic.
Post a description of peer review and its importance. Specifically, what makes an article peer reviewed? What is the importance of peer review in the research process and in social work practice? Finally, how does the content and language of a peer-reviewed research article compare to other forms of writing?
Peer-Reviewed Research
Kelly, J., Sadeghieh, T., & Adeli, K. (2014). Peer review in scientific publications: Benefits, critiques, & a survival guide. EJIFCC, 25(3), 227–243.
Read “What Is Peer Review and What Is Its Purpose?” and “Impact of the Peer Review Process.”
Example Peer-Reviewed Research Article:
Holder, C. L., Perez-Gilbe, H. R., Fajardo, F. J., Garcia, S., & Cyrus, E. (2019). Disparities of HIV risk and PrEP use among transgender women of color in South FloridaLinks to an external site.. Journal of the National Medical Association, 111(6), 625–632.
Examples of Other Writing on a Similar Topic:
Editorial: Reyes, R. A. (2015). Transgender Latinos fight for equalityLinks to an external site.. NBC News.
Blog: UnidosUS. (2014, October 7). Report sheds light on struggles of Latino transgender communityLinks to an external site..
Website: League of United Latin American Citizens. (n.d.). Latino transgender discrimination preventionLinks to an external site..