NURS6052 – Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Practice at Walden University| NURS 6052 – Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice | Walden University
Meta-analysis refers to a research method that combines and pools data from various studies in order to reach a general conclusion. A meta-analysis is an analysis of data using statistical techniques to produce a summary of the effects of a specific intervention such as a therapy or drug. A meta-analysis aims to give a better estimate of an intervention’s effect than a single study can. Meta-analyses can help to identify biases and inconsistencies within the research. They also guide the future of research. In healthcare and medicine where there are many studies that have been conducted on an intervention but their results may not be conclusive or consistent, meta-analyses can be very useful. By combining the data from these studies, a meta-analysis can provide a more reliable and accurate estimate of the intervention’s effects.