Mental health discussion 9 | Nursing homework help
The first thing that I would do if I were to advocate for a member of my family with mental illness is ensure they receive the proper treatment. It is important to find out if a certain type of medication or therapy may be needed and help them get these services, if necessary. Additionally, it’s important to provide emotional and practical support such as listening to their concerns, offering advice when needed, and encouraging meaningful connections with other people who can offer support.
You can also advocate on behalf of someone who has mental illness by accompanying them to doctor’s visits or offering to provide transportation, if necessary. This will help to maintain consistency. It’s also important to create a safe environment at home where the individual feels comfortable being open about their feelings instead of being judged or shamed for speaking up. Setting realistic goals with them can motivate and encourage their recovery, while still leaving room for flexibility in the event that growth is stalled.