Women veterans mental healthcare during pregnancy 6-2 | HLT494
For my organization’s program change to be successful and sustainable, it is important that our culture also adapts accordingly. To facilitate these changes, it is important to alter certain organizational practices and behaviors that have developed over the years.
If, for example, employees feel discouraged to speak up or provide feedback in the current work environment then this needs to change. Instead we need to aim to create a collaborative atmosphere where ideas are freely shared between departments to find potential solutions. Additionally, if team members feel like their contributions are not valued then this could affect motivation causing them become disengaged from the process altogether – something which would likely hinder progress as communication issues arise.
A dialogue between staff at all levels is also necessary. Top-down directives without input from the lower ranks of hierarchy are not conducive to meaningful reforms, as they fail to take into account different perspectives during various phases of implementation. Creating an environment in which people can freely express themselves (even if they are at odds with management), without the fear of being punished, will encourage trust and promote greater understanding within organizations.
To conclude, I believe it’s important that we reward individuals for going above and beyond what their job descriptions require. This includes rewarding those who come up with new ideas or innovative ways to solve problems. Doing this sends signal everyone else that hard work appreciated even if result isn’t always desired outcome – thus inspiring others strive do same while helping cultivate positive working relationships among colleagues which are so important sustaining organizational culture moving forward.
These factors should allow us to build a strong foundation on which we can add future improvements. This will ensure the sustainability of current programs.