In my classes, I’ve found that the beliefs I hold have been both helpful and harmful. One hand they motivated me and helped me focus on my goals. It allowed me to take each class with a positive outlook, which improved my performance and made the experience more enjoyable. Furthermore, my strong belief in what makes a quality education was an additional layer of protection to keep me away from distractions.
On the other hand, having pre-established views about certain topics can also lead to difficulties when trying to understand different perspectives or concepts that go against one’s personal values — this is especially true when analyzing complex subjects like philosophy or politics where opinions may vary significantly depending on individual backgrounds or experiences. These biases can also prevent people from learning new things, especially if they are very strong.
It is essential that individuals rely on themselves and their intuition to grow and make progress, but it’s also important to remain open-minded to allow for different perspectives to be considered without having to compromise core ideals or principles.