Review of a journal article| Business & Finance homework help
The theoretical framework of a study is essential as it provides a structure for the research process, including the data analysis and literature review. Researchers can identify the key components of their topic and use them to formulate hypotheses. They can also select studies that are relevant to their research.
It also helps increase the internal validity of any findings by providing a basis for comparison with existing theories; this type of meta-theoretical approach allows researchers to see how different aspects may influence or interact with one another—as well as highlight any potential gaps within current knowledge.
Additionally, having a clear theoretical foundation can help readers better understand/critique research results when reviewing articles as well—since they will have an established framework from which all components are connected rather than just individual pieces presented on their own. Thus overall, having a strong theoretical basis for any investigation is essential in order ensure its relevance and rigor—in addition to facilitating easier integration into larger body of literature related to the topic at hand.