Nursing Homework help| Nursing homework help
Diet and water consumption may be responsible for the formation of the stones. The diet can affect the formation of stones by altering urine pH and increasing calcium excretion. It can also provide a substrate to bacteria that can lead to stone formation in those who are predisposed. A high intake of proteins, coffee, salt, foods that are high in oxalate, such as spinach, nuts and dairy, can increase the risk of a calculus forming due to compounds like calcium phosphate or oxalate.
It is crucial to analyze this case to determine what elements of diet could be contributing to the formation of stones. If the patient consumed too much sodium, it could cause higher amounts to be excreted in urine. This increases the risk of calculus. Additionally, looking at how much water was consumed by the patient would provide insight into whether or not they were adequately hydrated – dehydration has been linked with reduced dilution capacity causing a greater chance for urinary tract infections as well as crystallization leading to calculi formation. The doctors can determine the role of fluid and water consumption in causing calculi by analyzing dietary habits.