The six cultural dimensions, which were developed by Geert Hofstede, are power distance, individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidance index (UAI), masculinity/femininity, short-term/long-term orientation and indulgence. These dimensions have an impact on how people interact and behave in the workplace.
When cultures have a high power distance, they tend to be hierarchical and respect decisions taken by the leaders without question. Low power distance cultures are more egalitarian, and they encourage discussion in making decisions. For this to be managed effectively, all employees must maintain an open line of communication.
Additionally, individuals need to be aware that there may also exist differences in the terms used by employees or their values and beliefs. In order to properly deal with any issues that arise, no matter how challenging the given scenario may be. Additionally, education and training can help to promote diversity while fostering a healthy environment. Everyone feels accepted.