Week 4 Discussion by 10:00 pm on October 13th, 2021
Two research studies that utilized my theory as a foundation were “The Impact of Family Conflict on Adolescent Adjustment: A Test of an Ecological Model” by Richard J. Murnane and Robert H. Bradley published in the Journal of Marriage and Family in 1989 and “Social Problem-Solving Skills, Social Development, and Academic Achievement” by Catherine E. Snow et al., published in the American Educational Research Journal in 1985.
In the former study, Murnane and Bradley used the ecological model to examine how family conflict affects adolescents’ adjustment levels over time while Snow et al.’s paper explored how social problem-solving skills can aid in improving academic performance for students at risk for failure. My theory was applied in both studies as a way to understand how environmental factors can interact and produce specific outcomes, such as an improved psychological well-being.
This type of research approach allows researchers to better understand complex phenomena, allowing them to make informed decisions about interventions that promote positive behavior changes or enhance educational success.