People with a korean background. People with mexican roots. 700 words
- The Heritage of Koreans and Mexicans
Korean cultural heritage has a rich history. Korea’s culture has been affected by the occupation of various countries, such as Japan and China. The country’s traditions and beliefs are rooted in Confucianism, Buddhism, and Shamanism. Korean culture places a strong emphasis on family, elder respect, and collectivism. Mexicans, on the other hand have an extensive heritage which reflects their complicated history. Their roots are indigenous, European and African. Mexico’s indigenous population has had the greatest impact on Mexican culture. The country’s history and traditions are a blend of pre-Hispanic and European cultures. Mexican culture places a high value on family values, hospitality, and community.
Koreans and Mexicans share some similar roots. They both value family, believe in collective society and a strong sense of work ethic. Both cultures are influenced by the influence of foreigners and their long-standing history.
- Koreans and Mexicans have different beliefs about healthcare.
The Korean culture is very concerned with maintaining harmony and equilibrium in the body. The Koreans believe illness comes from a mismatch between the hot and cool energies of the body. Korean traditional medicine relies on herbal remedies, acupuncture and other techniques to bring the body back into balance. Korean patients might prefer traditional medicine to Western medicine. That could influence how evidence-based healthcare is delivered.
Mexican healthcare beliefs are influenced by the country’s indigenous culture and Catholicism. Indigenous Mexicans have had a long history with herbal remedies and other natural treatments. According to them, illness results from a discord between an individual’s environment and themselves. Mexican Catholicism influenced the healthcare belief system, and many Mexicans believed in prayer as well as religious relics. Mexicans may prefer alternative and complementary medicine to Western medicine.
This belief system may have an impact on the way evidence-based medicine is delivered. Patients from Korea and Mexico may not be willing to use Western medicine, or they may choose traditional treatments. These beliefs should inform healthcare providers and they must work hard to offer culturally-sensitive care.
- Koreans and Mexicans use their own customs to cure diseases
Korean traditional medicine uses a variety of practices to treat diseases. This includes acupuncture as well as herbal medicine and cupping. The insertion of thin needles in the body is called acupuncture. It restores balance and encourages healing. Herbal medicines use natural remedies to heal illnesses and improve overall health. Cupping therapy involves applying cups to the skin, which creates suction and improves blood flow.
Mexican traditional medicine is a collection of practices that cure disease, such as herbal remedies, curanderos, and spiritual healing. Curanderos, or traditional healers, use herbal remedies and prayer in combination with massage to treat illnesses. Mexicans may consult these healers to treat their health problems.
Note that some of these practices are not always based on evidence. The healthcare provider should ensure that their patient receives appropriate care, while also respecting the cultural tradition of their patient.
- Oh, H. Y., & Jun, J. Y. (2014). Traditional Korean medicine as a treatment for emotional disorders: a systematic review Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2014), 1-14.
- Serafini, J. (2018). Indigenous medicine in Mexico: An introduction. Ethnobiology Letters. 9(2). 96-101.