There are several factors that have driven the adoption of electronic health records. Due to rapid advances in technology, healthcare providers can now create systems more efficiently that help them manage information about patients and streamline their processes. Healthcare reform has put a focus on improving the quality of healthcare while also reducing costs. EHRs can be a good solution to this problem as they help reduce errors that are associated with manual input while providing access to updated information.
This trend is also driven by the increased demand of consumers, who expect that their healthcare providers will use the most up-to-date tools to provide them with the best possible care. In addition, legislative mandates such as Meaningful Usage incentivize companies to use EHRs. They do this by rewarding them financially when they meet certain criteria.
Overall it’s clear that there are multiple factors influencing the need for implementing EHRs within healthcare settings; all of which contribute towards helping improve safety standards and increase efficiency at both individual practitioner as well organizational levels alike.