Assignment #2-policy implementation on “elderly and disabled patients
Assignment 2 Title:
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Agent Responsible:
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), particularly the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), is responsible for implementing the policy. The Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Labor and the Department of Treasury are also involved.
HHS, CMS and IRS have the responsibility of enforcing ACA. The key areas for enforcement include ensuring that individuals have health insurance coverage, ensuring that insurance companies comply with the law’s requirements, and penalizing employers who do not provide affordable health insurance to their employees.
Implementation of the ACA involves a mix of federal and states actions. The HHS and CMS oversee the implementation of the law at the federal level, while state agencies are responsible for implementing some of the law’s provisions at the state level. Certain aspects of law may be implemented by local health departments, including outreach and educational activities. To achieve the goals of the policy, organizations such as community-based health centers may be involved. Advocates, advocacy groups, health care providers, and citizens can all play an important role in educating and advocating the law. Grants may be awarded to support specific programs or initiatives related to the ACA’s goals.
Health Service Organizations and the Impact of Health Reform:
What health care managers need to be aware of about the ACA is:
- According to the ACA, health services organizations must provide essential benefits such as hospitalization and prescription medications, preventive health care, and other health-related costs.
- The ACA includes a number of quality improvement initiatives such as accountable care organizations and value-based payments models, all of which are aimed at improving the efficiency and quality in health care.
- The ACA contains provisions to lower health care costs. These include the creation of insurance markets and expanding Medicaid eligibility.
- The ACA impacts the development of health professionals, including training programs and initiatives that improve diversity in the workforce.
- Changes to the ACA or its implementation may have significant effects on the healthcare industry.
You can get the latest information on the ACA’s impact by visiting the websites of HHS, CMS and state agencies that are responsible for implementing it. For guidance and resources, they can consult professional associations such as the American Hospital Association or the American Medical Association.