Stages of grief| Nursing homework help
Denial, anger and bargaining are the five stages in dying.
The first step in the denial process is when a person denies or rejects their diagnosis. This may be due to fear or disbelief. It is a normal reaction to bad news, but healthcare providers should provide accurate information to help them accept the reality. To help the patient at this stage, I’d focus on showing compassion and emotional support to them.
In the second level of anger, an individual can become angry with themselves and others who do not seem to be doing anything about their problems. In this phase, I must remain empathetic but firm to ensure that my patient’s frustration does not spill over onto others. I can also provide them with resources like counseling or peer support groups to help them better manage their feelings.
In the bargaining phase, people often try to avoid death by striking deals with God and anyone else who they think can help them. It is important that I do not give my patients false hope but instead remind them of how precious life is and encourage them to make peace with what lies ahead before departing this world by finding closure through meaningful conversations with loved ones and writing letters expressing one’s feelings towards others etc.
Depression follows when an individual realizes there isn’t much time left for them on earth and recognize all that has been lost because of illness. I must listen to the person without judgement and provide comfort by engaging in activities that bring joy, such as playing music or reading stories.
Finally at Acceptance one starts preparing mentally and emotionally for death while recognizing its inevitability realizing there isn’t much control over what happens next even though expectations may be still present about how things will happen after passing away. In order to best help someone at this time, I would offer spiritual guidance when requested.