Analyze the issue based on the following criteria:
- Identify the parties involved in the case dispute (who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant).
- Identify the facts associated with the case and fact patterns.
- Develop the appropriate legal issue(s) in question (i.e., the specific legal issue between the two parties).Provide a judgment on who should win the case – be clear.
- Support your decision with an appropriate rule of law.
- Be prepared to defend your decision and to objectively evaluate the other points of view.
Jones and Hardy entered into an oral partnership agreement. They planned to develop and lease certain areas of land. Together, they formed the Bloomington Knolls Association. Jones and Hardy began to experience financial problems, and they brought in a third partner, Jackson, to arrange addi-tional financing for the project. Jones subsequently dissolved the partnership and requested that he be given a portion of the land as his share of the part-nership assets. Jackson and Hardy did not honor his request, and Jones never received any assets of the partnership. Jones moved for an accounting and winding up of partnership affairs and brought the case to court. The district court entered judgment against Hardy and Jackson, jointly and severally, for an amount representative of Jones’s interest in the partnership. Jackson and Hardy appealed the district court’s decision.
How do you think the court decided? [ MacKay v. Hardy, 896 P. 2d 626 ( 1995).]