Write a research paper outlining if a public health bachelor’s degree is marketable.
In your reflection of 500-600 words, you should address all of the following questions from the readings and other materials from the week:
What are your key take-aways from the readings/assigned materials?
Consider: What was interesting or surprising? What, if anything, was confusing or you found lacked credibility or seemed untrustworthy? Why?
Attempt to synthesize your takeaways across readings/assigned materials, rather than listing takeaways for each reading/assigned material, if possible.
Be sure to reference all of the readings/assigned materials. Make it clear you read/reviewed them all.
How, if at all, do the readings/assigned materials reinforce one another? How, if at all, are the readings/assigned materials conflicting or contradictory? Provide examples if relevant.
What solutions or public health responses are needed regarding this week’s topic? And/or, what else do public health professionals need to know to develop or enact solutions?
How does the topic relate to your personal experiences and/or your professional goals? Be specific.
What is one thing that you have learned in class this week about the topic of focus that stuck out to you? Why/how? Be specific.
The reflective journal is not meant to be a regurgitation of what you have read/reviewed. Rather, it is a synthesis and critical reflection on the course material.
Stay within the word limit. If you find that you are writing more than 500 words, go back and see where you can synthesize and summarize your points more succinctly.
You do not have to use formal citations in your writing, but you should make clear which readings or materials you are referencing in your writing. For example: “In the reading by Smith & Henderson, there is a discussion of….” or “In the podcast about housing and homelessness and the youtube video about rising rent prices in CA, I noticed that…”
You may also bring in your learnings from the lectures or other outside sources as relevant. If you do bring in outside sources, you should properly cite them.