Assignment Details: Focus Write: Dyslexia
Reflect: Use the Focus – Write, a strategy to summarize and apply research for best practices of instruction.. (attached below)The Reading Teacher – 2019 – Johnston – Dyslexia What Reading Teachers Need to Know.pdf
Focus Write – Summary Strategy for Topics in Education and Literacy
Summarizing teaches students, teachers, and literacy leaders like you how to discern the most important ideas in a text, lecture, workshop, podcast, and or video – and how to integrate the central ideas in a meaningful way. Graduate students often use the Focus Write for developing a review of literature for a thesis, dissertation, and professional publication. Curriculum leaders will use the Focus Write to summarize research-informed best practices for teaching innovation. For example, one district leader learned that their elementary school staff had no program for teaching reading fluency -one of the most important factors for developing comprehension and achievement on high-stakes tests.
The Florida Reading Association (now Florida Literacy Association) uses the Focus Write strategy in its publication, CutingEdge2015.pdf (attached below) to summarize the findings of research for teachers so they could apply them to their teaching practices.
Reflection/ Focus Write (1total)
You will complete 1 reflection using the focus-write strategy to close read, reflect, respond, and apply best practices of culturally responsive literacy assessment and instruction gleaned from the research literature, professional organizations, national and state-level policies, and standards.
Use this Focus Write Template to write the summary use the CutingEdge2015.pdf that is attached as your sample to follow the template below.
Focus-Write #1Source:
Johnston, V. (2019). Dyslexia: What reading teachers need to know. The Reading Teacher, 73(3), 339-346. (Links to an external site.)
Main Points:
Implication/ Applications:
Favorite Quotes:
Paper Format: APA
Number of pages: 1