Read: Rethinking Marketing
Disruptive Marketing Plan: Final Paper Assignment Instructions
Based on the approval granted for the Disruptive Marketing Plan: Brand Proposal Paper Assignment, you will complete a 4,500–6,500 word paper on their ‘disruptive’ innovative new idea for this brand using the template provided. Ten authored references are required. You may use web sites as well, but they do not count towards the ten authored sources. Included in your ten sources must be five (not previously used or assigned in this course) peer-reviewed Marketing journal references that are NEW to this paper. You may use your assigned readings as well, but they do not count towards your new ten academic sources.
Important…Written Assignment Requirements This Semester
For your papers this semester should adhere to current APA format…and that includes the following:
· Times New Roman 12 Font
· Double-Spacing with zero point line spacing (10 point line spacing not allowed).
· One Inch Margins
· Cover Page and Reference Page
· And more…using the current edition of the APA manual as our guide.
In addition, it is expected that the following in your writing style this semester:
· Use subject headers for all papers – your reader appreciates and expects that level or organization to your work! You will lose points if you do not do so!
· No visuals in the paper – put in Appendix if absolutely needed. Do not put tables in UNLESS you developed the table yourself.
· Avoid “I” statements – do not talk about yourself, present facts.
· Deliver at least the minimum word count requirement.
· No contractions
· Use the templates as provided strictly – do not change or delete subject headers.
· No PDF files accepted
· Each new paragraph – the first line of that new paragraph should be indented five spaces – please adopt this practice this semester – a pet peeve of mine is to see papers that do not meet this criteria.
· No extra blank lines between paragraphs – deliver a ‘tight’ paper! It is critical that all students are graded based on the same writing approach.
· If you use an online source, please include in the reference page the exact web link as I do verify all sources.
· Avoid using bullet points and numbered lists – write formally, in full paragraphs and full sentences only.
· No abbreviations – if you are referring to the United States of America, write it out…no ‘US’ – this is not good academic writing.
· Always include a cover page and reference page – you all do this, just a friendly reminder!
· Reference page and in-text citations must match exactly.
· Authored articles must be used to meet your requirement. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a person’s full name. No wikis, blogs, videos, podcasts, dictionaries, encyclopedias qualify as a formal authored source. It is fine to use a web site like the United States Census Bureau – but there is no ‘human’s name’ associated with that work. You may use it, but it will not count as one of the required authored sources you must deliver (as outlined by each assignment’s detail.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
DisruptiveMarketing Plan
Indent first sentence of each paragraph – tell the reader what this paper is about…remember that you are provide a specific consumer brand offering / service.This is a disruptive marketing plan for the United States only. Do not discuss global expansion in this paper.
Disruptive Brand Plan
Identify a brand that you would like to change their approach to their marketing and/or business practices. This must be a consumer tangible product OR a service company. Here are some examples, a cruise line that would change the vacation experience for the customers. You want everyone to talk about their experience and share with their friends and family (word of mouth). Or it could be a company that changes to all ‘green’ and that drives more interest and marketing coverage for this brand.
Marketing Mix
Discuss here the 4Ps that would have to be modified to make these changes. At this point it is very high-level. Remember that these changes the mix must be affordable.You cannot say for example that you are a car brand that is going to give a cruise to everyone that buys your vehicle…that could bankrupt a company. But what would change below? The product itself? Would the price have to change? Would you distribute this differently (place of purchase)? And then how would you promote this ‘disrupted’ product differently?
Brief recap of the key attributes of this product identified above today and how it might change.
Today’s pricing is discussed here. Provide the exact price of your product and the source. If it is sold in multiple locations, provide three examples of pricing found via your research. How might this have to change?
Distribution (Place)
Current distribution plan for this product. This is where consumers can buy your product. If your product is sold at several online and brick & mortar locations – provide at least five examples.
Promotion / Communications
How does this brand communicate their brand offering today? How would you improve this? You may use this submission (based on feedback you receive) as the start of your week seven paper.
Market Segments – Current Target Market
What are the target market(s) that this brand is now focusing on…
New Primary and New Secondary Target Market
Identify two new segments that you recommend your brand goes after.
New Primary Target Market
The new target market that this product should focus on is …..the overall size of this new opportunity is…focus FIRST on demographics and then you can go into other specific psychographic traits.
New Secondary Target Market
The second new target market that this product should focus on is …..the overall size of this new opportunity is…focus FIRST on demographics and then you can go into other specific psychographic traits.
Demographic & Economic Trends
Describe some supporting external trends that are making this change needed by your company.
Analyzing the Consumer Market
Social Factors
How are customer behaviors changing that would support this change.
Psychological Factors
Customer Needs
What needs does this product satisfy today for consumers? What else could they do to disrupt the marketplace and over achieve on delivering customer’s needs?
The new positioning statement for this brand is…
You must review competitors in this format
Criteria for Comparison | Your BRAND | Your BRAND After This New Disruptive Idea is Launched | Competitor # 1 – name that brand |
Price – MSRP Range | |||
Product Unique Attributes | |||
Placement – points of distribution | |||
Promotion – where / how do they advertise | |||
Other Items of Comparison (replace with YOUR comparison point) |
Finally discuss what changes you would recommend to take to beat your competition. Remember, APA does not allow first person – so your response should be statements like this – ‘Starbucks should start home delivery…’ or whatever your creative new ideas are and of course, your instructor expect academic support for your new ideas!
Market Research Plans
Describe how you would conduct market research for this new idea. Base this on your taking over the responsibility for this brand in the marketplace. What kind of market research would you like to conduct and why? Where would you conduct this research in the United States (one location or multiple locations)? Time of year for research event if that matters.
Promotion Plans
Based on your brand’s disruptive idea, what are your plans?
Social Marketing
What does this brand do today to support social media marketing? What would you recommend that they do that perhaps they are not doing today?
Public Relations
What plans would you have to get ‘free’ publicity? What are your key ideas to get television and print exposure via non-paid media? What are the risks and benefits for you?
Traditional Marketing
Advertising Plan for your customers – billboards, television, radio, and other traditional marketing approaches.
Financial Viability of Plan
Based on your brand’s disruptive idea, how does this make financial sense? Think about what you would tell the Financial Team at your company. This is not a finance class, but they are NOT going to approve this unless you can convey clearly / crisply why this is a financially suited idea. What could happen if this is NOT launched? Don’t forget you are ‘disrupting’ their financial world – so ‘market’ this well to your numbers people!
Relationship Marketing
Building relationships with your customer base is omnipotent in business. How does this idea support closer relationships with your customer base?
Socially Responsible Marketing
In the marketing for this brand – in regards to societal marketing – what would you recommend that your brand does to give back?
Student May Add New Topic Here
Use this template strictly. However, you may desire to cover new ground that is not listed here. No problem, add your new sections in APA style between Socially Responsible Marketing and Christian Integration for Brand.
Christian Integration for Brand
Describe what you would do to make this a Christian brand? Think about other companies that live the Christian values like Chick-Fil-A which is closed on Sunday. What would you do to deliver Christian values for your brand?
If you were named the brand manager for this product/service tomorrow – what key actions would you recommend based on all you learned about this brand over the past few weeks?
In summary,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – should be no more than 6,500words. Page count is from Introduction to Conclusion only.
You need Marketing Journals to support your paper – read grading rubric. Use authored sources primarily. You may use some of your readings from this semester, BUT you also need TEN new scholarly sources for this paper. Validate that every reference listed here is clearly cited within your paper. Your instructor will be checking this – so before you submit, please perform your due diligence.