Develop a strategic plan for a department or division within a health care organization, taking a balanced scorecard approach.
1. Identifies clear, concisely stated, and fully justified departmental strategic priorities.
2 Evaluates the effects of organizational policies on departmental strategic priorities. Clearly articulates the logical implications and consequences of specific policies.
3.Aligns departmental strategic priorities with elements of an organization’s strategic plan. Graphical representations of the alignments are explicit, easily understood, and appropriate for the intended audience.
4. Creates a balanced scorecard for a department or division. Provides concise, useful objectives and measures that reflect a clear strategic target and insight into cause-and-effect relationships.
5. A minimum of four departmental strategic priorities, one from each balanced scorecard domain (financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth).
Graphical representations showing alignments between the departmental strategic priorities and the organization’s strategic plan.
NOTE PLEASE READ For this assessment, remember to use the same health care setting you chose in the previous assessment. previous assessment is downloads
Paper Format: APA