Ue the Situation, Behavior/Action, Outcome/Result to organize your discussion post. Think of a situation where discriminate or evaluative listening was required of you.
Describe the situation or circumstance.
Explain the message that you believe the sender was trying to communicate or did communicate.
Describe your listening behavior/feedback; note verbal and nonverbal aspects that comprised your feedback.
Describe the outcome in terms of the success or lack therof of the communication transaction. Did the way that you listened influence the outcome?
Cite points of information or conclusions drawn from 3 of the readings or TED Talks. One point made from each of your 3 reading/video choices is sufficient.
Reminder: you choose 4 of these 6 discussion posts offered – communication apprehension, listening, nonverbal, gender, intercultural and persuasive
Maybe you can read these file first. You can understand the request of the assignment/