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1. A block of gold 9.00 in. x 8.00 in. x 6.00 in. weighs 302 lb. Find its weight density.
2. A cylindrical piece of copper is 9.00 in. tall and 1.40 in. in radius. How much does it weigh?
3. A piece of aluminum of mass 6.24 kg displaces water that fills a container 12.0 cm x 12.0 cm x 16.0 cm. Find its mass density.
4. If 1.00 pint of turpentine weighs 0.907 lb, what is its weight density?
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If the imaginary replacement of either of two protons forms enantiomers, then those protons are said to be enantiotopic. The NMR is not a chiral probe, and it cannot distinguish between enantiotopic protons. They are seen to be “equivalent by NMR.”
(a) Use the imaginary replacement technique to show that the two allylic protons (those on C3) of allyl bromide are enantiotopic.
(b) Similarly, show that the two Hc protons in cyclobutanol are enantiotopic.
(c) What other protons in cyclobutanol are enantiotopic?